Complaints policy
YTKO is committed to providing a high-quality, professional and transparent service to all our clients, service users and stakeholders. Unfortunately, however, there might be occasions when you feel the level of service you receive has fallen below your expectations. We take feedback seriously, acknowledging the positive impact that feedback can have on the ongoing improvement of our services.
We define a complaint as follows:
Any expression of dissatisfaction, whether oral or written, and justified or not, from or on behalf of an eligible complainant about YTKO’s provision of, or failure to provide, a professional and fair service.
If you have a complaint relating to one of our brands/programmes/services, we want to hear about it and will do our best to put it right.
Our complaints policy has the following goals:
- To deal with complaints fairly, efficiently and effectively
- To use complaints constructively in the development and improvement of all services
- To increase customer satisfaction
- To ensure that all complaints are handled in a consistent manner
How to Make a Complaint
If at any stage you feel unhappy with any aspect of our service, you must inform us as soon as possible. We find dealing with complaints informally at an early stage have the best chance of being resolved quickly and to the satisfaction of all parties.
YTKO use a 2-stage process for the resolution of complaints relating to our services.
In the first instance, we ask that you speak to the member of staff that you have been dealing with and raise your concerns. Hopefully, at this point, they will be able to help and resolve any issues you may have. We ask that you should raise the complaint no more than 28 days after the event, unless there is a good reason for the delay. If you do not feel comfortable speaking to the member of staff, you can ask to speak to their Manager. However, if you are not satisfied after discussing your concern with a member of staff, you do have the right to make a formal complaint.
How to Make a Formal Complaint
If you wish to make a formal complaint, the process is explained below.
- Please complete our complaints form (below)
- Complete all the required sections of the form and press ‘submit’
What we require from you:
Please include as much detail as possible about your complaint, along with your name, address and contact number. Should you wish to discuss your complaint on the telephone please include a convenient time for us to call you, prior to us sending you a formal, written response.
Why do we need this information?
We want to make sure that we fully understand your complaint and why you feel our level of service has fallen below expectations. This is to make sure that the correct person is handling your complaint, so they can investigate and provide a response as soon as possible. Your data and personal details will be treated in the strictest of confidence and in accordance with our data protection procedure.
Once we receive your complaint:
We will send you a prompt response acknowledging receipt of your completed form. This will be sent to you within five working days. A full investigation of the complaint will be conducted by an appointed Senior Manager from YTKO, who will review all stages of the complaint with the local team and a panel can be convened to hear the complaint if deemed appropriate. Please note, you may be contacted to make sure that we have fully understood your complaint. On completion of the review, the Senior Manager will advise both you and the local team of their findings. Their decision will be final. Where possible, you will receive a response to your complaint within 28 working days of its receipt. You will be informed if there needs to be an extension to this timescale.
Any client, service user or stakeholder who makes a complaint is free to stop the process and withdraw their complaint at any point. We will subsequently confirm any request to withdraw your complaint to you formally in writing.
Should you wish to appeal the decision then you can do so in writing via the officer or representative of the Senior Management Team who conducted the review.
Your appeal must provide details of why you feel the appeal is justified and what your expectations are in terms of resolving the complaint. The Senior Management Team member will then escalate the complaint to the YTKO Group CEO or Deputy CEO who will conduct their own secondary review should the appeal be deemed valid.